Match Using Tempo:
sets whether tempo should be used to match (and sort) tracks.
If the slider is set between “No” and “Yes”,
this sets the tempo's relative weight compared to other criteria when matching tracks.
Match Using Rhythm:
sets whether rhythm should be used to match (and sort) tracks.
If the slider is set between “No” and “Yes”,
this sets the rhythm's relative weight compared to other criteria when matching tracks.
Match Using Volume:
sets whether volume should be used to match (and sort) tracks.
If the slider is set between “No” and “Yes”,
this sets the volume's relative weight compared to other criteria when matching tracks.
sets the threshold for matching tracks.
If the “Downgrade transition mode when tracks don't match”
box is checked in the “Transitions” tab,
more transitions
will be downgraded as this slider is set closer to “Never match”.